Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mustard and Black giveaway!

It's finally here!  =]

I hope you want to enter my Mustard and Black giveaway!  I have been blessed beyond belief to be the recipient of soooo many giveaways.  Some of you gals wonder how I'm so lucky to win so many times.  I really don't know.  I just know that God loves to bless me even though I don't deserve it!  So in return... I'm finally going to have my first (of many to come) giveaway!

Also this month is a month of celebration for me so that makes it another great reason to have a giveaway.  My last day of work is this month and so is my birthday!  So I'm going to celebrate and party all month long!!  =]

Included in this giveaway is a mustard wooden shelf re-do from the thrift store that stands 17" tall and is 13" across.  The black wire basket is a thrift store re-do that stands 9.5" tall and is 6.5" across.  I added some homespun, tea-dyed muslin and cheesecloth and a rusty star to it.  I threw some mustard and black rag balls in the basket.  The metal scoop is a thrift store re-do with a piece of tea-dyed cheesecloth hanging on the handle.  It is 6.5" across and stands 5" tall.  The mustard wooden cubby is a re-do that I bought many years ago at Hobby Lobby.  It is 8.5" across and stands 4.75" tall.  The small runner is 12" x 18" and was bought at Silver Dollar City this year.  It was the inspiration for the "Mustard and Black" giveaway.  The rusty heart garland is 7.5 feet long with 3/4" hearts on it.  I don't know if you can see it that well in the picture.  I tried to drape it throughout.

Because I have to enforce rules all year long with my children... I am only having ONE rule for this giveaway.  You must enter this giveaway on this post only.  If you try to enter on a different post, it will not be counted!  This giveaway is open to all my prim friends all over the world.  That's it!  I will be drawing a name on Friday, June 25.  Oh, if you want to add it to your blog, that's awesome.  But I want to keep it simple, so there will only be one entry per person.

I'm really excited to be giving back what's been given to me.  I'm REALLY excited to become a stay at home mom so I can spend more time with my family, but also spend lots more time creating!  I'm already working on my next giveaway.  So if you don't like mustard and black, maybe you'll like the next color giveaway.  How fun this is!  =]


Anonymous said...

Hey Angie love all your stuff, please enter me in your giveaway!!!

Tammy Smith

michelle said...

wow angie great sure are a blessed gal!good for u glad to hear your gonna be at home full time and happy soon to be birthday! my youngests is coming up soon too!i dont have anything mustard and black yet and its awesome colors so count me in sweetie.i would luv to win these goodies.have a great weekend.god bless michelle

The Rusty Thimble said...

ANGIE what an AWESOME giveaway girl. Please enter me. I would love a chance to win. Thank you
The Rusty Thimble

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Hey, hey,girl---you are the utmost in winners! And I have come to believe that you do deserve them all. And now you are sharing! What a beautiful and generous giveaway. I would love a chance to win. Are you sure you don't want me to post it on my blog? I would be happy to spread the word---or not, if you prefer.
June is birthday month around here, too. My Dad, my husband, 2 grandsons, 1 granddaughter, 1 daughter and 1 nephew; plus my sister's anniversary. Gotta love June!
★Linda ★

grammy and papi said...

Wow Angie, GREAT giveaway!! When you start giving you do it really BIG. Thanks for sharing.

Most of all I'm happy for you since you will be staying at home with your three children. There is nothing like having Mom at home.

Have a God Filled Dy

The Farmer's Attic said...

Angie, Angie, Angie ~ awesome!!! Please enter me in your giveaway.


Cora said...

Yay! A date has been set! Good for you! Congratlations...what a great b-day gift to yourself!
Your give-away is awesome...I love it! So please enter me in!!
Hope you are having a great weekend!


Karen~The Barely There Primitive Bear said...

Hey Girlfriend, I am glad to hear
that you are going to be a SAHM!
You will be able to do more with
your children and more crafting!
Maybe even chat with me! Please
sign me up for your most generous
give away! I think it is time
for me to win another one, don't
you think? Have a great birthday!

Bear Hugs~Karen

Christine said...

You are one thoughtful, generous girl! What a way to celebrate! I love everything in your giveaway and I'm thrilled you've opened it to us all! So please please draw my name!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Country Prims said...

Happy b'day to you and so glad things are working out for you to stay at home....I can imagine your excitment:))

What an AMAZING giveaway-I just LOVE it all and thanks so much for the opportunity-please add my name to the hat!!

Shazy x

Michelle said...

WooHoo! Maybe some of your luck will rub off on me. Great give-away...please add my name to the hat.


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

My goodness, what a wonderful giveaway!! Pick me, pick me :)
I will post this on my blog for you.

Gayle said...

I'd love to be the lucky winner of your giveaway! Please add my name to your drawing!

Brenda said...

Hey Angie....hope you had a good vacation!! Hope you have a great birthday also and congrats on being able to stay home now with your kids and create!!

Please enter me in your most generous giveaway! Love it all!!

Sandra H. said...

WOW!! This looks wonderful! I would love a chance to win this. Thank you!! I am going to place a link on my blog. Thank you again for a chance!

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I love it all Angie, and would be honored to be entered! Thanks and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Pokey said...

Hi, Angie! I'm happy for your last day of work, as in~retirement? Or, is it like me, and just a seasonal thing? Well, I hope it is a happy time, congrats and thank you for the sweet and generous giveaway!

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Angie....PLEASE ENTER ME IN YOUR GREAT GIVE AWAY....I think I have a place in mind for each

Hugs, Karen

Dreams of a Primitive Life said...

Woo Hoo! I am glad you get to be a stay at home mom it is great. You will enjoy it very much. Please enter me into your giveaway, thanks.

Primsue said...

What an awesome give away! I love mustard and black. Please enter me.

Farmhouse prims said...

This is a prim lovers dream, please enter me in your giveaway!!!!!

Leslie Lemke said...

I would love to have my name entered into your wonderful drawing...all of those things would look great in our home!
Have a great summer!

maureen said...

Hi Angie, I am a new folower. I found your blog through brenda at the rusty thimble. I really love your blog. I would love a chance to win your awesome giveaway....Maureen

Janene said...

These are my absolute two favorite colors!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Birgit said...

Oh Angie, I just love a good giveaway! though I'm not as lucky as you, I'd love to win! Please enter my name into your drawing. Thanks so much!
Blessings~ Birgit

carla said...

Oh My Goodness!!! What a great give a way!!! Love it all!!!! hugs

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the giveaways Angie....I will take care of your redos!!

Kerri Arthur said...

Hi Angie,
I love your blog!
Thank you for the generous giveaway,
Sign me up!


Charlene Jesso said...

WHat a wonderful primitive site...please enter me into your giveaway. God Bless all the way from NB, Canada

dee begg said...

Just found your blog it. Please enter me in your mustard and black giveaway.

roseyred said...

These are wonderful primsand I would really love to be included in your giveaway.Please enter me.

Maria said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe how many wonderful things are included in your giveaway! Please enter me!! I love it.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to be entered.
I will post about it on my sidebar.
Thanks so much,

Cedar Creek Primitives said...

I love all your prim goodies! Please enter me in you giveaway!
Thank you!

Hillcresthome Prims said...

Hi Angie, Well I will say HAPPY BIRTHDAY right now, and you should party ALL month long, and no more work at the end month,CONGRATS!!!!

You have an amazing giveaway, could you please enter me in the giveaway!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love visiting your site and hope to have one up soon. Please enter me in the drawing - would love to start collection of mustard/black!
Jeanette from NC

The Old Parsonage said...

Well Angie I would love to win even just one of the treasures in your giveaway, so please count me in sista!



Cat Haven Craft House said...

Love your items and the fact that they are recylced! Please enter me in your giveaway. I have added your giveaway to the side bar on my blog, too!

Btrie said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful prims! please enter me in your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway, I've added it to my blog too..thanks for the chance to win you lovely treasures..

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I love how you transformed these into wonderful pieces of prim art!! I would love to be entered in this giveaway..Thank you and have a wonderful day.:)

Sheila said...

What a wonderful, generous give away! Please enter me-I'd love to have these goodies in my home :)
I love all the talented people out in blog land!
Blessings to you and yours!
Sheila @
Seasons of Thy Heart and
Country Impressions (selling) blog

Katy said...

WOW! I am thrilled that I found you! What a wonderful giveaway! :)

Crossing fingers and toes! ;)
Have a great week!


thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

A Primitive Homestead said...

Oh I love mustard & black please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Angi at drakestone primitives country cabin said...

Hi Angie
Fab give away please enter me..will post this on my sidebar and fingers crossed for me LOL. :0)

Jessica said...

Hi Angie! Happy birthday to you and congrats on becoming a SAHM! I hope you and your family are truly blessed by the experience. :) :)

Thank you for the awesome giveaway to participate in! Please add my name to the drawing.

snowpumpkin at gmail dot com

Back In Tyme Primitives said...

Hey Angie.....Awesome 1st giveaway...would love to win it..Please enter me in the drawing...

Love these tea stained them smell wonderful too.
Prim Blessings

Beryl said...

Hi Angie, wow what a giveaway, this is great. Please enter me and I will post your giveaway on my sidebar..take care...

Jody said...

Hi Angie! Your giveaway is awesome! Please enter me too!

Jackie said...

i would love to win your first giveaway.

denise said...

mustard and black are my fave colors. please enter my name. denise buchanon[]

Friendship Crossing said...

Hi Angie,

Please enter me in your very generous giveaway as I love everything I see in the pic! LOL


Sharon -- said...

I love your giveaway items! Please enter me in your great giveaway. The mustard and black theme is a great idea!

Starlight Primitives

Murray Hill Mercantile said...

Please enter me into your awesome giveaway, You are so generous on all of your goodies you are making and redoing. You have so many wonderful ideas.

Marcie Ortmann said...

Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! Love your blog and hope you have a wonderful Summer!

DarKilp said...

Hey Angie!
I'd Love to be entered in your wonderful give-away.
Thanks so much!!
The Prim Patch

Susan said...

I just love your mustard and black giveaway. What a wonderful thing you're doing, having a giveaway after you've won so many. Isn't if wonderful to share the blessings?

Please do enter me into your giveaway.

Thank you so much,

Judy said...

I am so happy to have found your blog! What an awesome giveaway you are having! Please enter me! I will be back! Keep on bloggin!
Many Blessings~Judy

Angela said...

Well I'm glad I read the rules, LOL. Was going to post on the other one that was left above,lol. whew,,thank goodness cause I want my name in there..And the amount of entries,,yahooooooooo..that is totally awesome girl. What you are blessing the winner with is just beautiful...oh my,,I do hope I win. Is that being greedy?

yorkie's primitives said...

Wow! What a giveaway. Please enter me in. I would love to have all those goodies, Valerie

janie said...

Please sign me up for your awesome giveaway!

Lots of great goodies!!!

Have a great one, Janie

I do not have a blog , so I will check back to see if I win.

Jean Barker said...

Congrats Angie! I thinks it's great you are able to be home for your children.

I love all the re-do items you are offering, please enter me in your giveaway.
Prim Blessings,

JeanM said...

Great giveaway. This will look great in my kitchen :)
angel2cook @ aol . com

Linda said...

Hello and thank you so much for you generous spirirt OI pray that God would pour his blessings down upon you to a point of overflowing and enjoy your B-Day and your last day of work woo-hoo Please enter me in your fabulous give-away God Bless you Linda

Marilyn said...

Wow Angie...great Giveaway!!
I would love to enter. I am posting this on my blog as well..
keeping my fingers crossed!!

Prim Blessings
Harvest Moon Primitives

Connie said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I love mustard and black! :o)

Thanks for offering such wonderful items!


Debbie said...

Hi, I am new here but love the site and your giveaway. Love the colors. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks Debbie

basketsnprims said...

Love the mustard and black. I have lots of black in my home but very little mustard. Please enter me in this awesome giveaway. I will be having one soon so stop by my blog. thanks & have a fabulous weekend. I just found your blog & am going to become a follower.

Cheyenne said...

Love it! You are so generous to offer a giveaway. Sweet blog!

plain.and.primitive said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy Birthday and Happy Summer!
Kris~ Plain.and.primitive

Sharon Posey said...

What a wonderful givaway! I would certainly love to be included!! I love your blog!
Sharon Posey

MommaB said...

pleas enter me.thanks mommaB
love your blog

Anonymous said...

hey there Angie! I want in in a bad way GF! It looks awesome!!! Thanks for FB me and letting me know about it!
Hugs To you dear one!

Jennifer Hairstuff said...

This is the best giveaway ever! I am now a new follower and look forward to following your blog! I would love to win this!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be considered for your giveaway!!

Everything looks fabulous!!


pokeberry primitives said...

I like your give away, I have never entered one before but would like to enter this one. Happy Birthday and congrats on being a SAHM, I am as well, it is the best job in the world<3