Sunday, January 12, 2014

Valentine Tree

Well friends... I sure wasn't planning on being gone for months and oh how I have MISSED YOU ALL!!  I won't go into details but we had some issues with my youngest son, Robbie, and his elementary school back in August; only 9 days into the new school year.  With Rich beside me, I went to battle for my child.  In the end, we pulled Robbie from public school (the same school that my oldest two attended) and I am now a homeschool 2nd grade teacher mom.  Yikes!  So needless to say, it has been quite the transition for all of us.  My oldest two, a freshman and senior, are still in public school.  I took my complaints and evidence to the Administration.  I was told that I was in the right as they profusely apologized and was assured that it would be dealt with.  We've been around this small town for many years and I know whom to trust... I trust that it was most definitely dealt with.  For those that have been following me for a few years know that I've had to battle the school in the past (on too many numerous occasions!).  We HAVE to stand up for our children, we are their ONLY advocate!!

Along with this mess, we are in full swing of basketball season... of which I am the booster club president for 7th-12th grade boys and girls.  We have around 100 players so there are lots of parents to deal with.  But we've been fortunate so far to have no complaining, only volunteering.  Thank you Lord!  =]

As we are starting our 4th month of online homeschool, I feel that we are finally in a groove.  I took down the Christmas decorations today and not one to leave my year round tree bare... I went ahead and added some primitive metal heart ornaments and vintage Valentine cards to it.  I don't know about your area, but these cards are pretty cheap around here.  These were 50 cents to $1.00.

These two are really sweet.  They are dated 1929.  It looks like they are To Odelia, with one being from Catherine and one from Oneita.  I like that I'm able to display them like they are communicating with each other.

This is the oldest card I have, dated 1926.  It actually opens up but there is a piece missing.  I still love it though.

These are dated 1929 and 1930.  Most of these are also To Odelia.  I bought them at the same antique mall but at different times... funny that I was able to buy her Valentines.

Isn't homemade the best?  Cute little homemade card dated 1927 to Odelia From Kathern.

To start the year fresh, I emptied my blog reader, Feedly, of the 1000+ unread blog posts that I'm behind on.  I was so totally overwhelmed that I didn't know what else to do.  Now I will be able to catch up with you as you have a new blog post.  I've missed you terribly!

I'm grateful not so much for this actual blog, but for the wonderful sister friends that God has touched and blessed my life with!  Thanks for staying with me.  I'll be visiting you all between lessons and basketball games.

Have a delightful week~


  1. Well hello, so nice to have you the Valentines on the tree, so si o pretty, Blessings Francine.

  2. Great to see you back...wishing you LOTS of growth and peace as you travel your homeschool journey...we have to do what's right for our children. I love your tree ...Vintage Valentine's are hard to come by IN my area .Have a wonderful week hugs lil raggedy Angie

  3. Welcome back! I am in awe of the undertaking of homeschooling! You are a good mom to do that for your child! Good luck!
    The Valentine's are so cute. They are pretty rare around here and not nearly as cheap! Thanks for sharing!
    Be blessed,


  4. Welcome back! Sorry to hear of your issues with the school but glad to hear you have something worked out. Love your tree and those vintage cards.

  5. Hi Angie,
    I know how challenging homeschooling can be, but your child is so worth it and good for you for standing up for him! So glad you had positive support as well!!
    Love your sweet tree too, filled with hearts and vintage valentines! How special!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  6. This is so beautiful ♡ I was just thinking about this yesterday. And Happy to see this.♡ best.

  7. I've been out of touch too Angie, trying to get back in the swing of things as I've missed everyone as well. Last two years have been overwhelming but I thank God for the blessings that have come our way.
    Love your tree and special ornaments. I put mine up last week too. Late getting Christmas out but early on the Valentine's :)

  8. Nice to see your post! I love your Valentine's tree...I did that one year and actually kept my tree up until Easter re-decorating it. I know a lady who keeps hers up year round! So fun. Thanks for stopping by and it's good to see your back blogging!
    Miss Bloomers

  9. Hi Angie,
    I have missed you, and yes, I have been out of touch too. I love your is so beautiful and cheery. You are one busy Lady. Have a good one! Blessings,

  10. I've really missed you Angie! sounds like you have your hands full w/all that you have going on! I know how busy life can get, but so nice to see you back on here again.

    Love your Valentine decorations on your cute little tree ~ how sweet!!

    Prim hugs,

  11. So nice to see you posting! :-D Your tree looks beautiful! Very happy to hear homeschooling is going well, and sad that you've ever had to deal with your school badly. In my opinion, there should never be things happening that we'd have to pull our kids out, but these days, it's all too common. I love homeschooling our kids and wish we'd homeschooled from the beginning.

  12. I love love these antique valentines! I have a few die cut pop up ones from the Victorian Era. Your tree is just lovely. Janice

  13. SO good to have you back! Love those valentines. So glad they found a happy home and you have them displayed perfectly. Glad you are doing well and was so glad to have you visit and to see you posting. "Welcome Home".

  14. Hi Angie, been missing you. I know you are doing an awesome job with homeschooling. Sometimes we have to make decisions in life that are not always easy but for the best.
    Your tree is beautiful, love all the ornaments. hugs, Lecia

  15. I've missed you too!
    Welcome back!!!
    Beautiful Valentine tree!
    Prim Blessings

  16. So good to see you posting again! Your heart collection is delightful. I got rid of my year round tree awhile ago and sure do miss it!

  17. Hi Angie,
    Love your Valentine tree and all the special Valentine's. I know you will do a great job with homeschooling and that you will see the blessings!!

  18. Hi Angie, Oh WOW, you keep a tree up all year round. That is neat! Love the cards and the tree is so cute! I am sure you doing great homeschooling I have had lots of my nieces home school their children. Even my grandchildren who are now having my great-grandchildren are thinking of this too is the best way. You have more control on what they see or learn. Believe me times have changed so much since I raised my children. I feel so for our little folks! They will never be able to understand why we cannot mention our belief in God. You have a wonderful blog and I have always enjoyed it! Glad your back!
    (((hugs)))and may God's blessings be upon your family! Y'all stay safe in JESUS!!!
    your Texas blog friend,

  19. Hi Angie! Well, I guess we both decided to come back at the same time! Love your Valentine tree. I feel for you on the school is so hard to see our kids being treated unfairly...good for you for standing up for Robbie..Jan

  20. I know it has been tough but I am glad the school thingy is behind you and you can move forward from here. Kind of like clearing your bloglist. Which is sounding very good to me right now. I have been off for a week while I got back in the groove of working. 200+ entries later and I am ready to clear mine, too. It can be overwhelming!

  21. Hi Angie, I hate that you have been going through a battle with the school, you are right, we are our childrens advocate. I home schooled my daughter till she entered the 7th grade, it was a very positive experience and I would do it again.

    Your Valentine tree is lovely and what a great transition from Christmas.

    I've been finding my way back to the blogging world the past few weeks too. It's one of my "hopeful(s) for 2014.

    God Bless!

  22. I am so thankful to have found your blog today! What a blessing! So sorry to hear of your troubles, and so grateful we have a Heavenly Father to carry them to! He is so faithful. We homeschool and are so grateful to the Lord for the privilege to do so. By the way, I am your newest follower! May God bless you! Love, Cheryl


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